We must fight together for equality for all.
This page is here to acknowledge the failures of myself, our society, and academia to support and elevate black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) in astronomy, and commit to doing the work to educate myself and my colleagues and to fight for change. I pledge to devote time everyday to intentional and ongoing study of BIPOC history and injustice, and to engaging in meaning conversations and efforts to dismantle the racial hierarchy that pervades academia. I encourage others to join me in and hold me accountable to learning from the resources on this page and developing actionable change.

Books to read
The intersection of race and class for women in academia
Podcasts to listen to:
listening to
Things to watch:

OSU Astronomy Department weekly webinar series showcasing underrepresented
TEDxOSU talk by Jasmine Roberts
TEDxOSU talk by Michelle Alexander
John Oliver on police brutality and white supremacy
Youtube video of Niel deGrasse Tyson
Community Resources
An introduction to the privileges of being white
A google doc guide to allyship in the black lives matter fight
A guide aimed at women for how to make meaningful change
Do you know what this is? Are you aware white people tend to do this? No? Read!
Resources for Academia
The AIP National Task force to Elevate African American Representation in
Undergraduate Physics & Astronomy
From The Association for Prevention Teaching and Research
The Chronicle of Higher Education Article
Including STEM and academic specific sites, organizations to support, blogs to read,
people on twitter to learn from and amplify, and hashtags to follow
A Multicontextual, Mixed Method Study of Student Academic Engagement in
Introductory STEM Course
An astrobites writeup of how we can support black astronomers
2019 SXSW Talks
Twitter post from Ashley Lindalía @That_Astro_Chic
Forbes article, June 2nd 2020
Physical Review Physics Education Research article, 2019
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine conference proceedings, 2013
Journal of College Student Development article, 2017
Mission of data collection and transparency of demographics in universities
Groups to Support
Organization working to empower women of color to succeed in STEM
Additional Resources
This page is a continuous work in progress ...