I can STEM. And so can you.
My goal is to empower my students to be able to analyze the world around them and make informed decisions. I believe astrophysics classes and research augment a well-rounded education by developing life-long critical thinking and reason-based problem solving skills, while providing perspective on environmental issues, astronomical scales, holistic/universal questions, and a broader understanding of the meaning of life. As such, I am motivated to teach the value of the scientific method as a means to achieve three learning objectives: (1) Learn basic science principles and their relevance to every day life, (2) confront misconceptions by developing critical thinking skills, and (3) cultivate an understanding of how we come to know something through the scientific method, and thus an appreciation of the beauty of the physical world.
Spring 2023:
AST-309R Galaxies, Quasars, & Cosmology
Previously taught Spring 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020
Exgal/Cosmology Seminar
Previously led Fall 2022, Spring 2021, Fall 2020​
Fall 2022:
AST-393F Graduate Survey of the Interstellar Medium
Exgal/Cosmology Seminar

Formal Coursework
Spring 2014:
PHY-170 General Physics II, Gustavus Adolphus College (70+ students)
Combined calculus & non-calculus based introductory physics for premeds
PHY-320 Astrophysics, Gustavus Adolphus College (20 students)
Project-based astronomy course for physics majors based on archival and observing projects using 12" Celestron telescopes
EDU-248 Science Connections, Gustavus Adolphus College (20 students)
Physics and astronomy learning methods for grades 5-12 teachers
January Term 2014:
NDL-107 Adventures in Pseudoscience and Skepticism, Gustavus Adolphus College (40)
Evidence-based critical-thinking course
Fall 2013:
PHY-120 General Physics I, Gustavus Adolphus College (70+ students)
Combined calculus & non-calculus based introductory physics for premeds
PHY-300 Mechanics, Gustavus Adolphus College (20 students)
Differential-equations based mechanics for physics majors
January Term 2011
PHY-112 Astronomy of the Southern Skies, Gustavus Adolphus College (40)
Traveling astronomy course to Australia and New Zealand, including guided observing at Mt John Observatory, NZ and Parkes Radio Telescope, AUS
Guest Lectures
Spring 2014:
ASTRON-103 Survey of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Fall 2012 - Spring 2013:
AST-1001 Introduction to Astronomy, University of Minnesota
Lab Instructor
Fall 2008 - Spring 2009:
AST-1001 Introduction to Astronomy, University of Minnesota
Students Supervised
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Kaelee Parker
University of Texas at Austin

Marvin Morgan
University of Texas at Austin

Resherle Verna
University of Texas at Austin

Grace Olivier
Ohio State University

Noah Rogers
University of Minnesota

Ness Mayker
Ohio State University

Jackie Appel, Senior
Ohio State University

Mara Johnson-Groh
Gustavus Adolphus College

Sean Dobberstein
University of Minnesota
Lecture Resources
Stellar Astrophysics:
by Richard Townsend - University of Wisconsin
by Debra Fischer - San Fransisco State
Interstellar Medium:
by Richard Pogge - Ohio State University
Astronomical Techniques:
by Adam Myers - University of Wyoming
by Reba Bandyopadhyay - University of Florida
Planets and Telescopes:
by astronomers - Michigan State
Downloadable lesson plans for use in high school science classes